Why is it a bad idea to make too many new hires early on in your organisation’s AI journey?

Gaurav Devsarmah
Gaurav Devsarmah

AI and in particular generative AI is certainly the flavour of the month and all proactive businesses are trying to hire talent that can help them get started on their AI journey. This might seem great as a strategy on paper but it comes up with its fair share of problems and pitfalls. One of the most common pitfalls I have seen is organisations hiring or trying to hire new talent to turbocharge their AI journey without having a plan in place on what business value AI will create for them. The first step should always be to start from identifying the business value AI powered solutions will create, what problems need to be solved or areas of the business that are primed for AI adoption in the early stages. Having answers to these questions and some small prototypes to solve actual business problems means you as business leaders know in great depth about the kind of talent you want for your business’ AI and data requirements. The questions that need to be answered in the early phases of an organisation’s AI journey include -

The above are just a few questions to get you started on whether you are ready to hire the right AI talent or are there steps you can take to make sure you are hiring the right people that your business really needs. Let us at Xibon AI help you out as you take the first steps in organisation’s AI journey by helping you navigate what your business needs at the moment, what are some use cases for you to get started on for some easy wins and how can we leverage your current internal resources plus Xibon AI’s expertise to really understand the type of talent you will need to hire down the line.

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