Why a Knowledge Companion?

Exploring the vision and purpose behind Xibon AI.

Gaurav Devsarmah
Gaurav Devsarmah

For us to build something with passion and genuinely believe in the process, we first needed to find out something we wish existed in the world. I have seen a lot of chatter around AI girlfriends/partners etc. with popular apps like Character AI, Replika and a ton of other platforms. While I lack enough expertise in this area, my personal opinion is this is going to be a depressing and net negative social trend for the long run. I would rather want a knowledge companion that understands me as a knowledge worker and as someone that has surprisingly had a fear of driving before driving around with a brilliant driving instructor to overcome my fears, I want Xibon AI to build a knowledge companion that acts as the driving instructor for knowledge workers. Something that allows you to combat the info overload we all experience at a time of abundant free and high quality content online, allow us to be our best self by giving us the confidence of consuming relevant online content without the pressure of bookmarking a million things (that we never go back to!) or the pressure of remembering every piece of relevant info we interact with.

Our vision is to allow people the freedom to finally start learning that new skill that they have been putting off, or someone whose quality of life has suffered due to not being able to leverage info they have already come across earlier but need to use it in a new workflow or someone who is hungry to keep growing their skillset but is always overwhelmed - We want give people the chance to finally utilise a knowledge companion as an extension of themselves. Call it a digital twin, a knowledge companion or a second brain, the goal is to create a better quality of life by reducing the burden people or businesses put on themselves on a daily basis in the knowledge economy.

While there are valid concerns about Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and what a future with AI injected in most aspects of our life looks like, it cannot be denied that AI or AGI will mostly positively change the way a knowledge worker works. Our goal is to create AI solutions that are catered specifically for you and/or your business. Although, large language models be it open source or proprietary offerings from OpenAI, Google, Anthropic, Meta, Mistral etc. form the backbone of most Generative AI applications today but for quite literally for every user and every business, their knowledge of the entire internet is not useful. Personalised and highly contextual AI systems that adapt with you and for your needs is the way to go and what we at Xibon AI stand for.

If a true friend and mentor allows you to grow and adapt yourself in line with them then why should AI systems or a knowledge companion not do the same?

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