Short term it is about productivity but long term it is about a Knowledge companion

Gaurav Devsarmah
Gaurav Devsarmah

Most knowledge workers have become what I would call ‘Productivity Freaks’ and I myself fall under this category too, we use Notion, Obsidian, do meditations, try time boxing etc. just to make yourself more productive and efficient. Here’s the catch, yes we can use a billion different tools for our hunger to grow as knowledge workers and be more productive but at the end of the day all of these data points are being consumed by 1 brain that’s trying to make sense of it all. The whole point of being more productive and efficient is to be able to leverage information I have come across already. This is to carry out different tasks, make cognitive connections between content without having to do redundant research and find a better way to work or study without having the pressure of remembering every little thing I have ever come across. I believe we will move out of the productivity era to an era of knowledge companions where there are AIs that understand me, what I do as a knowledge worker, adapt in real-time with me and become an extension of my knowledge worker self. This is where I’m not so much thinking about being more productive by taking notes, adding a nicely structured Notion together but more about an AI that allows me to interact with important content online with the confidence of knowing even if I miss something, fail to leverage some info etc. I will have my knowledge companion later do a lot more for me. I am excited for the era of personalised and highly contextual AIs that truly become an extension of ourselves and I hope I have been able to rub off some of this energy on you too.

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